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What is an environmental writer

by | Feb 20, 2023

Environmental writer? Ecowriter? Nature writer? Same same

What is an environmental writer? For me, an environmental writer is the neatest way I can describe what I do. My nerdy buddies know me as Fiona Bengtsson, environmental scientist, consultant and writer of technical reports. Others know me as Fi, that passionate recycling environmentalist (with an emphasis on the mental I suspect) woman, conservationist, sailing sister, hiker or gardener. For others I am a copywriter. I also write about all things to do with the natural world in which I am immersed. Think providing words and assessments for eco friendly businesses, colourful descriptions for natural products, and articles or blog posts with an earthy flavour. In avo smash terms I am an envirowriter. It’s the best of both worlds really – writing with an environmental focus through a scientific lens.

Environmental writer definition

An envirowriter explores the relationship between people and nature. If you want a definition, according to ChatGPT an environmental writer is someone who writes about topics related to the natural world, including the plants, animals and ecosystems that make up our planet. Their work may include reporting on environmental issues or advocating for conservation or sustainability. Environmental writers may write articles, books, or other types of content that help raise awareness about environmental problems and offer solutions for a healthier planet. Not bad for a robot.

swimming in Tasmania

Examples of envirowriting

Let me make it more human for you. I’ve just returned from a wonderfully refreshing escape to Tasmania (I think subliminally this was what I really wanted to tell you). Of course the polite thing to do is enquire how was it. Glad you asked. Let’s start with the weather as all polite conversation goes. Tassie is a weather forecaster’s wonderland of clouds, wind, rain, nipping cold and soothing heat without the humidity (I’m a Queenslander). Whatever the weather, it’s in your face and always at odds with what you happen to be wearing.

Noticing the holiday spark still in my voice, someone was actually foolish enough to ask about my trip. After rabbiting on about the unnervingly clear but fierce ocean, the leathery ropes of kelp, gorging on just-shucked oysters, endangered Tasmanian devils tantrumming over possum hors d’oeuvres, whorls of giant tree fern (Dicksonia antarctica) against the soft green light, speed shearing in the drizzle and mud to country hip hop, the pretty boats, the pinot, the beer, and the rabbits (OMG the rabbits!)…Big breath.

What is an environmental writer

I realised that my Tassie was all about the environment, albeit through the critical eye of a scientist. Because this envirowriter also wanted to chat about the wild abalone harvesting, the sustainable oyster farming and their water quality monitoring, devil facial tumour disease management, what happens to all the wool, ocean currents and wind speeds around the south coast, where the timber for the wooden boats comes from, how such yummy wine is grown, how come there wasn’t more rabbit on the menu boards and why on earth is eau de wet sheep imprinted in my brain?

It was fabulous by the way. Discover Tasmania was certainly on the money with their recent Come Down for Air promo. Looks like an environmental writer was all over that one, even though, alas, I can take no credit. And yes, you should go if you haven’t already.

What is an environmental writer

I am passionate about the world around us and love to play with words. This is the essence of an environmental writer. If you want these qualities in your next project, feel free to reach out. I can be found at Studio Deepwater.